Everything that happens is nicer with you.

There are lots of people who can call you by your name but there is only one person who can make it sound so special.
Through both the tears and the laughter, we are stronger than ever before.
I am a better person because of you. You help me be the best person that I can be and you always encourage me to reach my full potential.
You make me see the world in brighter colors when all I used to see before was dull shades of gray.
To me, you are even more beautiful when you wake up in the morning with messy hair and no makeup than when you have spent an hour getting ready to get out. You are perfect and even more beautiful to me in your natural form.
If I could go back in time to choose the love of my life, I would only try to find you a little earlier so that I could get to spend even more time with you.
I would rather fight with you than make love to anyone else. – The Wedding Date
When you are in a real relationship, you never have to pretend to be someone that you’re not.